Headmistres Message

 “When learning is purposeful, creativity blossoms. When creativity blossoms, thinking emanates. When thinking emanates, knowledge is f...

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St. Xavier's  a distinguished Hindi and English medium school of district. The school was established on July 25 1960. This school operated by the Roman Catholic dysis Allahabad offs were `a minority institution, which is established under Article 29 and 30. Originally based on the principles Krrirastiy Catholic school for students have been established, but all other religion / community / caste provides instruction to students. Religion / community / caste discrimination is not entered.

The goal of school student's intellectual, moral, character, Snvgatmk, Sunderyanubhutyatmk and physical development, and social studies to coordinate is amazing. Multi-dimensional and quality education for schools and developing innovative teaching methods based on cultural heritage and strives to India. Student impetus to the proper development of the social environment to suit them just, peaceful and traits of humanity worthy and creative nature of the country, we are committed to making citizen.
Currently in Hindi medium school classes are provided to class 10th. From 2012 as well as in English-medium schools have been set up to conduct classes in English medium classes and class 6 is being operated smoothly.

Each school year begins in February and the new order of nomination of candidates on their merits religion / creed / race is beyond the entrance.